There is power behind having convictions, believing in structures (family, faith, moral, etc.), and living each day built around the confines and principles of those structures. There is also power behind being ourselves – the true version of…
My younger brother recently sent me a story about removing ourselves from predetermined outcomes and consequences– The Chinese Farmer Story – an ancient writing that dates back thousands of years. Every so often, I read something that ju…
Not THAT kind of crabs ya pig… I have been trying to make myself a little more open and vulnerable to continue my growth and foster healthy relationships. I was never one to talk about my struggles or share personal, intimate details with an…
Have you ever experienced grief over knowing something in your life will never be the same? Don’t worry, I am not talking about death (for once). I tend to get comfortable with the every days of life – the comfort of my own home, my rou…
We are infamous for arriving and departing shows in an Uber. We will not drink and drive, so to avoid stress, worry, and being unsafe, it is just worth it to us. Is it costly? Sometimes. Luckily, we live fairly close to all our frequently visited ve…
I have days where I can sit and write three blog drafts in a row, and I love it. I also have days where I feel like I have absolutely nothing to say or offer, so nothing comes out. I guess that is what ‘they’ call writer’s block. I…
Ken and I decided against having children years ago. When we first met, we agreed to be open to the idea of having children but not force it. We both came from broken homes, we were both coming out of broken relationships, and I wanted to focus on b…
The last couple of years have forced me to look within, assess outward, and really try to find inner happiness and balance. Covid and isolation, mom getting sick, friends and family dying, people I did not know dying in masses, all weighed on me, he…
People have asked quite a few times if we have considered putting on more shows. In short, it is a no for me. Ken would put on more shows if I were more enthusiastic about it, but, nah. June 19, 2021 was an absolute highlight for me – one …
Travis Indovina recently suggested I write about the balance between corporate working and personal passions, and how that affects me psychologically. I think anyone could relate to this struggle, especially those of you following Grim. I started w…