July 8, 2024

My Tailpipe is Screamin'

My Tailpipe is Screamin'
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Grim Dystopian: Metal for your Filthy Earballs

S10E273: My Tailpipe is Screamin'

The Grims hesitantly tackle duo euthanasia and censorship. Also on the agenda; uncovering the government's covert thermostat agenda for your home, the tale of a sick day gone wrong when your manager becomes your unexpected travel companion, our 20-minute off-air struggle to pronounce one band's name, quench your thirst for knowledge with a fizzy journey through soft drink history, and heavy metal for your filthy earballs!

(00:00:00) - Intro

(00:00:56) - Inerth, SONG: Midlife Wasteland

(00:04:27) - SABÏRE, SONG: Call Me Bastard

(00:08:41) - Conversation 1

(00:19:08) - ARTACH, SONG: The Black Hole

(00:22:38) - Liminal Shroud, SONG: Malaspina

(00:26:42) - Vulgaris, SONG: Siege

(00:32:04) - Conversation 2

(00:46:29) - Grandma's Pantry: Compos Mentis, SONG: Creation Undone

(00:51:44) - Conversation 3

(01:00:40) - Onchocerciasis Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, SONG: Facial Gutting

(01:03:35) - Thirteen Goats, SONG: Sign of the Goat

(01:08:28) - Aivvass, SONG: Lucifer

(01:15:06) - Conversation 4

(01:21:56) - Bloodcross, SONG: Nemesis Reborn

(01:27:40) - Open Surgery, SONG: Sub Zero Suffocation


Labels: Listenable Records, Willowtip Records, Stillbirth Records, Gore House Productions, Exitus Strategem Records, Darkness Shall Rise, Personal Records, BVR Records


00:00 - Intro

00:56 - Inerth

04:27 - Sabire

08:41 - Conversation 1

19:08 - Artach

22:38 - Liminal Shroud

26:42 - Vulgaris

32:04 - Conversation 2

46:29 - Compos Mentis

51:44 - Conversation 3

01:00:40 - Onchocerciasis Esophagogastroduodenoscopy

01:03:35 - Thirteen Goats

01:08:28 - Aivvass

01:15:06 - Conversation 4

01:21:56 - Bloodcross

01:27:40 - Open Surgery