S2E37: Grims Christmas With Fright-Rags
Merry Christmas! Ben & Fe publicly tête-à-tête, play Christmas metal and chat with Ben, Founder and CEO of Fright-Rags; a Rochester homegrown company that began as a hobby in his basement. We also get to know Ben on a more personal level.
*Also available on Spotify, Google Play, iTunes, Stitcher*
Special Thanks To:
Ben Scrivens
Fright-Rags: https://www.facebook.com/frightrags/
220 Volt: https://www.facebook.com/220VoltOfficial/
Spider Kitten: https://www.facebook.com/spdrkttn/
Laserguys: https://www.facebook.com/Laserguys-182106041840811/
Grim Christmas (Jon Lervold): https://grimchristmas.bandcamp.com/releases
Car Door Dick Smash: https://www.facebook.com/cddsmash/
Tenth Ward: https://www.facebook.com/TenthWardofficial/
Mike Scrivens for a few inside details