S2E52: Grim Does New Zealand (Not Really)
In true Grim fashion, Ben & Fe start withrad NY locals and dive into New Zealand; fun facts, cool bands, and Fe teaches everyone how to pronounce Taumatawhakatangihangaoauauotameteaturipukakapikimaungah-oronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu Hill (not at all).
*Also available on Spotify, Google Play, iTunes, Stitcher*
Special Thanks To:
Gates of Paradox, SONG: Hatred Within: https://www.facebook.com/GatesOfParadoxOfficial/
Liber Ivonis, SONG: Yellowing: https://www.facebook.com/liberivonis/
Soma Slumber, SONG: Eternal Sleep 2020: https://www.facebook.com/somaslumberny/
Rendered Helpless, SONG: Malediction: https://www.facebook.com/RenderedHelpless/
Bulletbelt, SONG: Nine Centuries: https://www.facebook.com/Bulletbelt/
Stormforge, SONG: Star Descended: https://www.facebook.com/stormforgemetal/
Dark Divinity, SONG: Exegesis: https://www.facebook.com/darkdivinitynz/
Dissolution, SONG: Bi Polar: https://www.facebook.com/Dissolutionnz/
Exordium Mors, SONG: Surrounded by Serpents: https://www.facebook.com/exordiummors/
Gunt, SONG: Deletion: https://www.facebook.com/guntnz/
Upcoming Shows:Gate of Paradox Stay Home Livestream From PhotoCity: https://www.facebook.com/events/590463134885437/